
Financial Market Analysis

By Shawn R. Carpenter

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The market is at an interesting crossroad. There are two potential Short Term (ST) scenarios that can develop. Currently, the SPX is in a bearish channel, as the market deteriorated since September. We are currently testing the upper resistance level of this channel. A break above this level would lead to a rise to a resistance area (1054)created by the bearish channel from earlier this year. Failure to break above this ST resistance area would lead way towards a new low, around 700.

Given yesterday's Fed move, the following rally, and today's reaction, I think we may head lower rather than breaking out. Again, it is the end of the year, and also a new beginning in 2009, so it will be interesting to see where we head in the meantime. Remember, we have a lot of problems still in the economy, which still has yet to see some clear signs of the clouds clearing.
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