
Financial Market Analysis

By Shawn R. Carpenter

Thursday, March 23, 2006
  YRC Worldwide and the Transportation industry...

YRC Worldwide came out with their earnings today and it was a disappointment. In their 8K released today, they cited lower volume in shipping client orders and competition as reasons for the downward guidance. What is very important note here is that YRC Worldwide's CEO said that their clients have made dramatic changes to their inventories. Hint hint... Retail companies aren't seeing the demand for their goods! Why would they stock more inventory when the people are not buying the goods. Could this be an early detection that the American consumer is done buying discretionary goods. Even though the most recent home sales for Feb are above expectations, is it now a concern that people will stop purchasing items due to less mortgage refinancing? Time will only tell and stories like this will have to be more consistent. Yet the warning signs are there....
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